Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Rewrite #SOL17

I have the joy of being a part of my district's curriculum writing team.  Rich conversations, hours of brainstorming, learning new layouts, and writing for our coworkers have filled years and hours of our lives.  

I love it, but the hardest part of the writing process is the rewrite, rewrite, rewrite, and rewrite.  In my own writing, I can sit with a sentence and let it run around the page until I capture the exact thought or idea.  However, this is different because we are writing for the district.  Therefore, if the coordinators have met, changed, or added something, we have to rewrite it. This has happened about seven thousand times.  So, we sit as a team and tweak to make it meet their latest learning.

In this process, I have experienced how powerful it is to collaborate and communicate.  To make our work seamless, we have to check with other content to see how they are doing their work.  Then, we have to rewrite.  We have become a well oiled machine, and this is where our patience has been developed.  

the rewrite.

It can be frustrating.

the rewrite.

It can be rewarding.

the rewrite.

It can be humbling.

the rewrite.


the rewrite.

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