Sunday, March 29, 2015

SOL #29 Having Faith

Today will be day two of getting some projects done outside and spending time in the sun.  It hit me as I sat down to write my blog that today and the next few days are days of waiting.

Yesterday, my precious husband was working in the yard and decided to get rid of weeds.  He worked hard, and when I got home, he asked if I had seen it.  I hadn't, so on our way to dinner, he drove around to the front of our home.

To my horror, he not only took out the weeds, but my budding plants in the flower bed were gone, too.  The fern has been mowed down to the ground!  I was heartbroken and tired, so tears began to fall.  He felt horrible, but I couldn't stop.  There were my transplanted memories reduced to dirt.

This morning, on the other side of the whole ordeal, I can see now that I am called to a season of waiting.  I must wait to see if the bulbs I am putting in the ground today will grow.  I must wait to discover if my fern will lift its fronds again.  I also must being making a plan as to what I am going to do with all of the time I have to wait, and the barren yard that I am now presented with.  Will they regrow?  Will my bulbs burst forth with beautiful colors?  Will leaves appear on my pruned Crape Myrtles?  It is a season of waiting.....

For fourth grade Texas teachers, tomorrow and Tuesday are writing tests.  We have poured into our little nine and ten year old writers.  We have conferenced, encouraged, and cheered...sometimes cried.  However, Monday and Tuesday, they will sit for four hours and pour out their best.  Did we do enough?  Did they listen?  Will they remember?

Testing season is torture to teachers because our hands are bound, and we are called to wait.  So, to all Texas teachers, I stand with you in the waiting game!  Like my precious flowers outside, I am praying that each fourth grader in our great state will burst fourth with abundant, magnificent words to fill their pages.  I pray that their minds are clear and able to remember all that they have been taught.  I pray that they walk away from this testing season feeling refreshed, marvelous, and proud of themselves as writers, questioners, and learners.  

Here's to the wait!  I believe the end result will be more exquisite than we asked for and as vibrant as the sun!


  1. This is your best piece yet! I love your metaphor. You are a great writer!!

  2. Been there on both accounts: flower beds rid of weeds and my flowers and praying over students' testing. Life has lots of "waiting rooms" for sure. God bless your wait. D :)

  3. Been there on both accounts: flower beds rid of weeds and my flowers and praying over students' testing. Life has lots of "waiting rooms" for sure. God bless your wait. D :)
