Friday, March 4, 2016

Sounds of Friday #SOL16

Bell rings to start the day
Pencil erasers DRAFTing new sentences
Whispers to friends across the table
Muffled giggles to let friends know that they heard the joke

Clearing my throat to get them refocused
The tap tap tap of students blogging way
Laughter ringing on the playground outside our windows
Stories being shared in the teacher lunchroom

Words being read to five and six year olds
Rushing feet as 4th graders scamper to their chosen clubs
Sweet sigh of freedom when the bell rings

Oh the sounds of Friday... 


  1. Lovely! Why DRAFTing? It's not every day that we actually get to ask the author about her craft!

    1. It is from Jeff Anderson's book: Revision Decisions. It has been great to use with my 4th graders!!!

  2. Lovely! Why DRAFTing? It's not every day that we actually get to ask the author about her craft!

  3. I love whispers and muffled giggles!

  4. Great thoughts and great sounds indeed!

  5. I am so inspired by the free verse people are posting! Those are such great choices of sounds to focus on!

  6. This has inspired me to capture the sounds of a day in a future post. Thanks for the idea.

  7. Book buddies and clubs are the best way to spend a Friday. I love your free verse poetry. You captured the sounds of school in a creative, joyful way!

  8. Oh what a busy "sounding" day! I'm glad it was Friday!
