1.) My family is my most favorite thing! I am honored to be a wife, a daughter, a granddaughter, a sister, and an aunt. These people fill me with love and help me to see all of the good in the world!

2.) Another favorite thing is my class! I love teaching! These kids delight my heart, and I am always so excited as they grow and change and learn!!! It is a joy to be their teacher.
(Ladies and Gentlemen, I need a picture to put here! We MUST take one soon!)
3.) This one is NO surprise. Texas A&M University is one my most favorite places on earth! I am super proud to be a Texas Aggie!! WHOOP!!

4.) I love to read! Getting lost in a book is one of my most favorite things ever!! A Saturday afternoon with the windows open and a good book is heavenly!

5.) I love the seasons! Fall is one of my favorites because I love football, sweatshirts, and comfort food. I love the winter because I get to enjoy holidays, festive parties, and colorful lights. I adore the spring because I love tulips, Easter, and warm sun. I also love the summer months because swimming, vacations, and coconut oil delight my soul. See, I love them all!!! Every one is precious and fun.
6.) I love to create. From my photography to watercolors to spools of yarn all of them make beautiful creations. Creating things is one of my favorite things. I love to get lost in art. I also love to buy new art supplies. They delight my heart!
7.)Coffee!!! One of my most favorite treats is a Starbucks Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha!!! I try to limit myself to just two a month, but I love them so much!! Another of my favorite things is to go to Starbucks, order my coffee, and read for a while. I love the environment so much!! It is cozy and wonderful.
8.) My favorite color is pink. I think! I change it a lot because I love colors! I love how your mood will change depending on what color is surrounding you. I my
9.) Galveston is one of my favorite places. My husband and I always have so much fun down there. We love the beach and seafood. We enjoy the Strand, shopping, and finding new places. Every time we go we ride the ferry to watch for dolphins. It is a wonderful place that is full of fun memories. Did I mention that we love the seafood!?!?! It is a favorite place for sure!!!

What are a few of your favorites??
i bet you had a great time with your family and i bet that coffee made you high-per a lot